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Board of Health Minutes 8/21/06
Date:  August 21, 2006
Present:  John Makuc, Nora Hayes, ACO, Peter Kolodziej, Stephen Enoch and Robert Annelli
The meeting began at 3:41pm

·       Approved minutes as written from 8/7/06
·       Reviewed mail
·       Nora Hayes, ACO presented her report to the board:
o       Bats – look over the information given, Nora would like to post it in the Monterey News if everyone approves of the text before Friday.
o       Police gave out her home phone number and someone called at 11:30 at night.  A list of contact numbers and protocols for certain types of calls should be given to dispatch.  Nora will work on a list and present it at the next meeting.
o       Bite report was given to the board to review.  Nora has not heard back from the Sheffield Animal Control Officer notifying her if the dog has been released or not.
o       Refrigerator: couldn’t get the lock unlocked.  Nora was given the code again and informed that both the Town Secretary and Highway Superintendent tried it and it worked.
·       Kenn Basler, owner of the Monterey General Store came in to review the items listed on his recent Board of Health inspection report and when the items will be completed for proper permitting.  Kenn informed the board that he has 3 employees that are Serv-Safe certified and he will bring in copies of their certifications.  The display case should be here this coming Tuesday.  The frozen dessert machine in back corner of storeroom needs to be permitted and any changes in the establishment of that nature should be brought to the board first.  It is not conducive to have it next to that 2 bay sink.  The plan was to serve the ice cream from the window not in the store and Kenn stated that this sink is not used for floor washing.
o       Compliance checks were done in town and the Monterey General Store was cited for selling tobacco to an underage youth.  Kenn states that the youth was denied twice at the counter and an adult that was behind him in line and gave the youth the cigarettes as they were leaving the store.  Kenn would prefer not to sell cigarettes in the store at all but he does it as a convenience for his customers.  Peter is going to research the issue and get more details to present to the board before deciding how to go forth with this particular sale.
o       Events held on Thursday nights:  is the occupancy an issue, the board of health would only be concerned if the occupancy is exceeding the load of the septic system capacity.  The store is going to start trying to limit the number of people allowed in for the music events.  They are trying to limit the use of the bathroom and do not serve alcohol at these events.
·       September meetings: The first Monday is a holiday so the regularly scheduled meeting will not be held on the 4th instead it will be held on September 25th.  The 18th is a regularly scheduled meeting.
·       Emergency Planning in Monterey: Peter suggested using Sandra Martin and Amy Carey from the BCBOHA as much as possible as they are familiar with what needs to be done and are currently setting this up in all the surrounding towns.  An article will be placed in the Monterey News looking for volunteers once the Gt. Barrington plan is closer to finality and then a special meeting will be set up with Amy and Sandra and those volunteers interested to go over what the needs will be.
·       The Ellenoff septic plans were reviewed and the Building Inspector’s concerns regarding the retaining wall and it’s non-compliance with the town’s bylaws was discussed.  Peter is going to review the plans as well as call Kelly, Granger & Parsons and will make M. Noe aware on Friday if it’s acceptable according to Title 5 standards.
·       The board reviewed proposed revisions to the current Monterey tobacco regulations.  Tri Town Health is encouraging town’s to make these revisions.
·       M. Noe reminded the board that she will be on vacation next week, returning on 9/5/06 and that the numbers left for Board of Health concerns are Peter’s and Stephen’s
·       Peter K. will be taking Sept 12 – 15th
·       Compliance check for selling tobacco to underage youth at the Roadside Store failed for selling to a minor

The meeting adjourned at 5:15pm.
Submitted by
Melissa Noe, Board of Health Clerk